A Blogger’s Breakfast

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I’ve been invited to attend the CHSI – Stitches trade event on Monday at the NEC in Birmingham in my role as a blogger – would you believe!

We are to meet at 10am for a ‘blogger’s breakfast’ Sponsored by DMC and then take part in a DMC Workshop. We then get given a goody bag and a ‘Press Pass’ (!!!!!!!) and are at liberty to wonder the stands, take part in workshops, absorb seminars and watch the fashion shows where simplicity, McCalls, Lion Brand, and other yarn, fabric and pattern companies will showcase their wares.


It is billed as Europe’s largest and most influential dedicated trade show for the art, craft, needlecraft and hobby sector with over 250 suppliers from across the globe.

Also guest speakers May Martin, Stuart Hillard and Lauren Guthrie (GBSB fame) will be taking part in one of the seminars! Think they’ll be up for a selfie? Purely for the blog of course.

I might wear my Coco and visit Tilly at her stand! Or is that a bit creepy?

Unfortunatley/fortunately there will not be anything to buy, as it’s for trade and press only, just a feast for the eyes and collect ideas and write about them in the old blog.

I thought it would be worth taking a day off work for.

Only one thing – I’m going as Billy-No-Mates, yes on my own. So I’m hoping to make a friend at the Bloggers Breakfast.

Otherwise I shall just stride around nonchalantly wearing my ‘Press Pass’ and pretend I’m an agent for a craft empire.

Love Lucie xx




  1. Sounds interesting! It might be a little like torture though – not to be able to buy anything – take a notebook and jot down things for later purchasing. It will be good to be able to take photos as, often at these sorts of events, the ‘stallholders’ don’t like it when the public take pictures but, as you are ‘press’ you’ll be able to do it with impunity. I’m sure you’ll meet a kindred spirit at the bloggers’ breakfast – then you won’t have to take selfies 😉


  2. I’m going on Sunday with my friend who owns Fabric HQ. I went with her last year as well, it was really interesting even though you can’t buy anything.


  3. How exciting! I went last year and it’s such a fab show – even though you can’t buy on the spot, it’s so lovely to meet the creative peeps behind all the lovely products & ideas. And don’t worry about going on your own, everyone was so friendly & chatty, and even if you’re wandering around by yourself, you’ll enjoy it. Oh, and “the stars” are all very gracious and totally up for pics. Have fun and looking forward to hearing all about your Stitches Adventure 😊 Xx

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  4. Congratulations! Sounds like it will be an amazing event to be a part of. I look forward to your write up. Your recent Coco is the most fabulous Coco ever so of course wear and totally get a selfie😋. Oh and plenty of pics too please. I expect to to experiance this evet vicariously through you! Hila. X

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