Pies and biscuits

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It’s been a while since I’ve had a good baking weekend.

Homemade double chocolate biscotti
Homemade double chocolate biscotti

Except for a two hour window when I and my OH got out to brave the muddy cycle tracks of Wakefield, the weather was atrocious!
Not the floods experienced by those down south in the UK, but the sort of weather that make you want to wear comfy sweat pants all weekend and stay inside.

So I crafted (yesterday’s post) and I baked some of our favourite things.

First these biscuits from Hugh Fearnley Whatsits book ‘Cakes’

Homemade Hobnobs
Homemade Hobnobs

These are Anzac biscuits. They are very similar to a Hob nob. They are a favorite of my OH and my father. They keep for a long time in the tin – if you let them.

Secondly, three Beef and Guiness pies.

Homemade Beef and Guiness pies
Homemade Beef and Guiness pies

We love a pie. My OH especially loves my pies!

Making just one can be a bit of a faff.  But making three, to freeze two for another time, makes it all worthwhile.
Homemade Beef and Guiness pies
I just managed to take a photo before it disappeared completely. The flaky pastry worked a treat. No soggy bottoms!

Homemade Beef and Guiness pies

Finally, double chocolate biscotti. Biscotti are the ones you bake first as a great big log and then, once cool, slice into biscuits and bake again to dry out. We couldn’t resist painting them in chocolate!

Homemade double chocolate biscotti
Homemade double chocolate biscotti

These are from the latest ‘Bake-Off’ book, my daughter received for Christmas. This is the second time we’ve made these. They last a good while in the tin too. Always a good thing when there is only three of you at home.

Did anyone else get up to some baking madness, this weekend?

Love, Lucie xx


  1. Mmmmm.. those hobnobs look good. Maybe I should have a go at baking some of those instead of making Mr. T. bring them home with him at the weekend (along with Digestives, Waitrose teabags and Cadbury’s chocolate). We had a bit of a miserable weekend, weather-wise too and whilst I didn’t resort to a onesie, as my youngest did, I wore my yoga pants and sloppy top and did lots of knitting and some general slobbing about.


    1. It’s still slobbing about weather here but unfortunately I am now at my desk suited and booted. I do have a onesie but it looks horrific on so I only resort to it if my OH is away and there is no chance of having to answer the door. I don’t like the look of utter distaste on his face.


    1. Yes, I use disposable foil ones for the freezer, but would use pie dishes if I had spare ones. I freeze them uncooked. ( except the filling which has been cooked as you would a casserole).
      You have to make sure the filling is cold when you fill your pastry case.
      I freeze the pies on plates, set level in the freezer ( I have a chest freezer) until hard. Then I remove the plates and wrap the pies in plastic bags. It’s so nice to get a home made pie out of the freezer.
      I defrost them for 12 hours in a cool kitchen.


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