My Giant Pompom

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I received an unexpected extra something through the post over the holidays. All the way from Nebraska!

A couple of large Pompom makers and some yarn to get me started!

My Giant Pompom
My Giant Pompom

You may remember my delight at discovering the Pompom maker on Kirstie Allsop’s Christmas show (probably the best thing about that particular show) and how I had subsequently adorned my Christmas presents in Pompoms.

Pom pom trim
Pom pom trim

Well, after exclaiming that I couldn’t find a large set in the UK at the time I was contacted by my Very Berry ATC swap partner and fellow blogger, Sewbrewtiful  who went into her place of work that day (a craft store!!!!) and sent one off to me!

I asked her how I could repay her, she told me to put it down to ‘Pay it forward’. What a wonderful concept. I will off course pay forward the kind deed to another beneficiary but meanwhile I will look for something especially British to return to Nebraska!

This is what I have in mind for my Pompoms.

Pompom edged pillow
Pompom edged pillow

For those that read this blog regularly, I will of course be making it in reserved muted colours to get it past the craft police.

Love, Lucie xx


  1. That cushion is a great idea – my cats would love it! After I read your post about the craft show (which I didn’t see) I checked in my local shop and they had all the sizes as, of course, Kirstie hasn’t appeared to the French yet (as far as I know) so supplies were to be had. My mum was here for Christmas and had just recently gone down the cardboard circle road to add a pompom to a hat for her grand-daughter so she was interested to see them. Anyway, I bought a smallish set of 2 and she bought the next sizes up. They did have the heart-shaped ones but I would have liked to have seen a sample made up. We made a couple, were amazed at how simple they were to do and hung the results on the Christmas tree. Now I’ve seen your cushion, I must have a look and see what else can be made with pompoms. Have you seen any other ideas?


    1. I’ve seen rugs made entirely with pom-poms which I’m sure you cats would love!!!!
      I’ll be making garlands and wreaths next Christmas. I think a table runner with pompom edging would look lovely.
      I may make my cushion entirely of pom-poms, maybe in a single colour, a pale linen colour or cream. That might look quite contemporary.


    1. They are so quick to make. Expect a couple of fails to start with. The smaller pompom makers need completely filling with yarn, the larger ones, not so much. You’ll need to trim them after for a perfect shape


  2. I have a couple of the pom pom makers and they are so easy to use (though they eat your yarn stash). Your cushion will look amazing.


  3. Oooh lovely!! D gave me that set for Christmas and I haven’t used it yet (dunno why not!). Must have a play. Love love love the cushion. I’ve seen cushions trimmed with little pom-poms but not gurt big lush uns (slips into Somersetish in the excitement). Niiiice.


    1. I have been thinking what on earth to do with them? Apart from bobble hats, garlands and rugs there is not much inspiration out there. We’ll just have to start our own pom pom revolution.


  4. Yay for Pom poms after also seeing them on Kirstie’s show I looked for them and could not find them the next day you let us know you got them from Hobbycraft I am still yet to see them in stock 😦 Can not wait to see what you make


  5. I love pom-poms! I might be inspired to go out and get a pom-pom maker myself. The cushion is adorable, and what’s a winter hat without a pom-pom? Be sure to show us everything you deck in poms.


  6. that cushion is adorable! you inspired me to make a pom pom garland for our loft railing, I love how it came out. Cats have not yet discovered it, but I might make them some toys.


  7. I love big pom-poms so can’t wait to see your finished cushion xx

    PS you’re right about Kirsties programme. Much preferred Alex Polizzi, the hotel inspectors, one


  8. I love pom pom’s too, we had a kit when we were kids called Pom Pom Pets, it had all the kit to make all different sizes and patterns to make little animals. In fact I bet my sister still has it somewhere. The cushion idea is fab by the way as are the presents finished with the little furry balls. I have been making hats recently (post to come soon) and the Koala Bear hat used pom pom’s for the ears.


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