Last minute dot com dress

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I firmly believe that is it our creative hobbies that can help us out during those anxious moments in our lives.

And so it was with this dress.
1 New Look 6814

In a month when my work colleagues and I came to acknowledge that the company we worked for might be struggling, to the collapse of the company, the stress of uncertainty, the need to find a new job and facing attending interviews; this dress was born.

2 New Look 6814

With a new job secured (it’s an employees market in the construction industry) my husband and I snatched a break in the sun with my dress.

The green sixties inspired cotton poplin was provided courtesy of MinervaCrafts but it wasn’t intended for this pattern.

Initially this print was intended for this dress.

Burda ladies sewing pattern 7113 vintage style 60s dress
Burda ladies sewing pattern 7113 vintage style 60s dress

But on receiving them both in the post I knew I had made the wrong choice.

So Burda7113 will wait until next month. I know exactly what fabric to order this time.

This NewLook pattern is one I’ve had in my stash for a while. It was perfect for the cotton.6184 Newlook

However to give a little body to the frock and help it move over my shape it needed lining.

I have never lined a dress before. I searched online and discovered there was more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak.

The main differences to the methods was to machine the lining and the fabric to the zip in the early stages of construction or the more traditional/classic method of slip stitching the lining to the zip right at the end.

I found this quite simply amazing series of video tutorials on utube by a lady called Angela Kane.

She takes you all the way through constructing a lined pinafore style dress in the classic manner. I picked up so many extra tips along the way. I urge you to take a look.

And so I was ready. But not before making my  muslin. Having had a few gaping neck issues recently and also the need to take the garment in in most places, I decided to downsize from the recommended size as led by my breast measurement and possibly attempt a full breast adjustment (eek!).

As it happens the fit was near damn perfect!

3 New Look 6814

Although funnily enough, using this smaller size, I still had to take this chunk out of the back and drop the neck line a little.

4 New Look 6814

Muslin made, I transferred my adjustments to the pattern pieces and cut out my fabric and lining exactly the same, leaving out the neck facing pieces.

The utube video describes exactly the process I followed to put it together so I won’t go into detail suffice to say you make up the whole of the fabric dress without joining at the shoulders, including the invisible zip and the whole of the lining dress, without joining at the shoulders, without the zip. You attach one to the other at the neck and the arm holes, pull the dress the right way around and then tackle joining the shoulders. But honestly, look at the videos.5 New Look 68146 New Look 68147 New Look 68148 New Look 6814

And voila! A great fitted lined frock that is such a delight to slip on and wear.

9 New Look 681410 New Look 6814

It was a pleasure to be working with cotton again. I had quite discarded cotton after my recently discovered love of stretchy fabric.11 New Look 6814

And amazingly, this dress hardly creased considering the fit and sitting for 2 hours wolfing down an Italian (meal).

I’m back in blighty now. My new job starts tomorrow. Wish me luck; I’m feeling very nervous!

Love, Lucie xx


  1. I’ll definitely have a look at that tutorial when I need to line a dress. I really like the fabric you used and the pattern is good, especially as I see you can make the neck lower which suits me better.
    Good luck with the new job tomorrow – I’m sure you’ll be perfectly fine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s definitely a pattern id use again and actually lining it was much easier than messing with those fiddly facings.
      I’m sure tomorrow will be ok but I have a tendency to build things up in my head!


  2. Best of luck for the new job – I’m sure you’ll do great.
    I’m also enjoying playing with fully lined all machined techniques. I’ve found one that works for me, onto my second dress using it. I agree, lining makes all the difference from how the dress hangs to minimising creasing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good luck at your new job! I love this dress so much. Tres tres chic! Your lining looks perfect👏👏👏. Will check out Angela Kane sounds like a good resource.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good luck at the new job, not that you need it – lucky for them they got you1 I adore that dress, and will go searching for the pattern, I need the fuller skirt version, but do love that neckline. Great job on the lining!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. it is amazing, isn’t it? linings are just another dress, so it is as easy or hard as the dress. Facings, on the other hand never seem to lie properly.


  5. Lovely!! You have an eye for great fabric & patterns! Will be checking out that video for when I need to line a dress (so far avoiding!!)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You will be fine. Time will build confidence and new friends. A bit like like your blog!! Good luck tomorrow K xXx


  7. Love your dress – that fabric just makes it! And well done on mastering the art of lining too – that is still on my list of things to learn so thanks for the link to the tutorials. And just fyi, I’ve just posted on my blog about my new Day-to-Night Drape top that your lovely pics inspired me to try – it’s a fab pattern and I’m already planning at least another 2 or 3. I’ve linked back to your blog in acknowledgment too – so thank you 🙂
    Good luck with your new job tomorrow (I’ve just been reading your posts and catching up) – it’s always hard to make a change and start afresh, but you just have to be confident that this is exactly where you’re meant to be right now. Life’s is funny that way, but I’m sure you will embrace your new chapter and enjoy the adventure. All the best, and have fun! Love Gilly xx


    1. Hi Gilly! Thanks for sending so much traffic my way. I’ll be sure to return the favour at some point!
      As for my first day, it was fine. By the end of the day I had a new computer all up and running and my own office so tomorrow I’ll feel more settled.
      I’m just impossible with names! I never take them in when I’m told them and then have to listen out for what they are called😏
      Thanks for your lovely message. It really perked me up. Xx


  8. I made this dress too and I love it. I just want to some sunshine to wear it now. Your sewing is really hitting the heights now, do you remember telling me you just chose bags to feel safe! Good Luck in your new job. Jo x


    1. Yes, I do remember. I’m really pleased with what I’m turning out. I think is the most well fitted dress I’ve made. But you learn so much with everything you make, don’t you?


  9. Stunning! You dress just keep getting better and better! It looks so professional! Thanks for the link, I’ll be checking it out and pinning it!
    Mmmmm, and I think I could just do with a hearty Italian too! 😃


    1. So pleased to have inspired. Will look forward to seeing what you come up with. The day went fine. I was strangely calm this morning, but glad it’s over!


  10. Lovely! Well done on the lining; it looks so professional. Just repeating everyone else here but the fit really is perfect and it suits you so well! Glad to hear your rough month has turned around. Good luck!


  11. What a very lovely dress!! Love the color too! 🙂 I’m visiting from Gilly Makes blog, had to stop over and say hello! 🙂 Happy new week! xo Holly


  12. Beautiful dress and beautiful finishing. As I’m a day late reaching you post I guess I’d better say, hope your first day went well!!


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