Ta Dah!

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Ta dah!

Crochet cushion
Do you like it?
Crochet cushion
Look at the fabric I found on the sale table last weekend. Perfect!
Crochet cushion
It goes lovely with the other one I made last year. Where has that time gone?Crochet cushion
This is the second cushion I have finished this weekend. The other one I am saving for my first Minerva Crafts post which goes live this coming Friday.

But I have more news. Some may have noticed this new badge on my blog.Spread your wings and craft

I have become involved with this fabulous new project. Spread Your Wings and Craft is a brand new, crafting community blog. It is the brain child of Hannah of Made With Hugs and Kisses. As if she hasn’t got enough to do!
The hopes for this site are for it to become a central hub where people can come to, to find inspiration, ideas and tutorials to help them learn a new craft.
There will be two types of posts within this blog. The first will be feature posts. These will be short posts consisting of an image, a short description of the project and a link through to where the reader can find the full tutorial.
The second type of post is written by a team a community, a team of authors to write about their ideas and tutorials that people can comment on. This is where I come in. I am one of the 8 authors!
The site goes live tomorrow!
Any type of crafts will feature. Sewing, knitting, crochet, quilting, refashioning, jewellery making, DIY…. the list goes on! The authors have been chosen to cover the whole range.

I am sure that within the first few weeks there will be a few creases that need ironing out as we find our footing. We might find that we are more suited to sewing tutorials and that we tend not to focus on certain crafts, we might find we are inundated with feature post applications. We might find people really respond to us and we want to expand how we post and what we post about. Sewalongs, video tutorials, competitions. These are all possibilities. It is all very exciting to be in at the beginning. I’m really looking forward to getting to know my fellow authors and seeing the site develop.
So if you are reading this on Monday 3rd February, or later, please check us out and follow us!
That’s all for now.
Love, Lucie xx


  1. I love the design and what a lucky fabric find for the backing. I have picked up a crochet needle for the first time this weekend. I am just getting the hang of it with Granny squares so your cushion is something to aspire to!!


    1. Good luck with your crochet. I would advise lots of repetitive crochet in order to produce consistant tension. I started with lots and lots of chains, then lots of doubles, trebles etc.


  2. Hello Lucie,
    Your cushion cover is super beautiful! Some great crochet work, congratulations with the result!
    Also congratulations with being one of the authors of the new project, that must be interesting.
    Have a lovely evening!


  3. Hi Lucie, love, love your cushion, the colours you used are gorgeous and looks like the back of the cushion is great too with big dots – your work is so great, thanks for sharing


    1. I’m sure the site will take a while to take off but I’m looking forward to seeing it develop. I remembering starting this blog and finding it all very exciting and frustrating at the same time! Thank you for your lovely comment.


  4. Your cushions are not at all the sort of things I would make but they are beautiful and very stylish. Love the way the fabric compliments the crochet and how the two cushions go together. Interesting project you are starting up.


  5. Love the cushion too. When I saw the small picture on HomeMade Monday, I thought it was a draft excluder … maybe another project … 😉 … will check out the site you mentioned x


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