2 WIP’s

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I don’t think it is actually possible to sit and do nothing in front of the TV of an evening.

Usually around 8.30 my husband starts berating me for not sitting down. Isn’t there always another job to do? So I usually get about 1 – 2hrs each evening unless it’s Thursday when I’m cycling with the girls.

We’ve just finished watching The Bridge; the Danish/Swedish detective drama series. The subtitles and complicated plot are not inducive for a WIP that requires reference to a pattern.

Now we’ve started on Deutschland 83 a compulsive viewing German drama set against the real events, culture wars and political realities of Germany in the 1980s, again with subtitles. Spookily with David Bowie music regularly blaring out from radios and incredibly old fashioned looking TV sets.

But I need to keep my fingers busy and so my evenings have been alternating between these two. Thank goodness for multi tasking and the ability to count whilst keeping up with subtitles and plot lines.

By Haafner Popcorn blanket. I’m about half way through this one. I love it. I’ve sewn together what I’ve completed so far. I needed to be inspired and envisage the finished throw to keep me going with the slight monotony of using the same coloured yarn.



Attic 24 Ripple blanket. We’ve a baby expected within the family in April. It’s a boy!


I’m trying to use cotton from my existing stash. I’ve plenty of white and yellow so I’m going to continue in white and yellow stripes across the central section and complete with the remaining blue balls I have left.

This one I can fairly do with my eyes closed now. Great for subtitles.

Love, Lucie xx


  1. Why is it that all the best tv at the moment has subtitles? I’m sure my other half gets so annoyed with me when I’ve missed a vital plot detail while threading a needle! Love The Bridge. I’m watching Deutschland 83 too!


  2. We just finished series 3 of The Bridge too. Gripping stuff but,as you say, not for watching unless you have something really mindless to work on – like stocking stitch for example. On the other hand, if I’m watching T.V. and not knitting or sewing at the same time I’m prone to falling asleep. The other evening I fell asleep whilst watching telly AND kniitting which was a sight to see by all accounts. Husband and daughter named it ‘Zombie Kniitting’ and I’m apparently lucky it wasn’t filmed and put on YouTube.
    The blankets are looking gorgeous.
    How lovely to have a baby to knit for. I must give all my nephews and nieces a nudge – but not my daughters yet 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Although I’ve not heard of either of those TV programmes, I know what you mean about being unable to sit down without something in my hands. It’s wasted time otherwise and hubby likes me to join him for a couple of hours in the evening, too. We usually have wine as well:)


  4. What is it with the husband hang ups and us wanting to keep busy! There’s so many projects and so little time. I always have a project going and I zombie knit too!! Great blankets, I have no patience for long projects. I often get bored and abandon them 😦


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