A photographer’s paradise

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Now I am no photographer.
I have necessarily improved in the taking photographs of my makes, learning from other blogs whose photos I try to emulate.
When it comes to everyday snaps I am just a happy snapper. I find if I take many, many shots (much to the annoyance of my family) there is usually a couple of decent ones that sneak in there.
However I have found a place where it is IMPOSSIBLE to take a lousy shot.
This very special location is the arches hidden within the ruin that is Fountains Abbey, visited during our stay in Ripon at the weekend.






The man in blue is waiting, not very patiently.
Love, Lucie xx


    1. I think I might have missed them if my mum hadn’t shown me her photos from her recent visit. I was congratulating her on her photos when she said, ‘you can’t take a bad photo in there’. I know exactly what she means now.


  1. Great photos! I know what you mean about trying to take good pictures, particularly of craft items, but I’m getting better (I think!). Thank you so much for my Liebster Award – I’ve been away so have been a bit slow catching up on emails but I will complete the questions this week. Thanks again xx


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